"...without land or a home, which, therefore, in the good sense, will mean, having no particular home, but equally at home everywhere." - Thoreau, Walking
Driving from Colorado to PA in two days and being back has been a bittersweet chapter. I left freshness for familiarity, new ground for stale soil, manifest destiny for Mom's chocolate zucchini cake.
My heart was tight leaving the Rockies. East CO is West KS. Flat and straight forever, until, like waves, hills start again. Trees in clusters, no longer rows. Bends in the road... and it started reminding me of bits and pieces of Pennsylvania.
I got just past Kansas City the first day. Splurged and got a room behind an excellent bbq joint. I woke up well fed and rested. Without really intending to I drove 16hrs, back to State College and into a well-known gravel lot to pass out, one more night in the truck.
Since I've been back it has been a series of late nights, laziness, and a serious lack of direction. I didn't realize how much I really left until I returned.